Recently, the word "sustainability" has become more commonly used. Everything from the sustainability of energy consumption to goods and services production has become a concern for both businesses and their customers. Today, companies need to strive for sustainability, and customers can promote this by supporting sustainable businesses over non-sustainable ones. That being said, even our favorite morning drink has been affected by this movement.
That's right! Even your coffee is impacted by sustainability. Companies that produce coffee should look to be more sustainable in various ways, everything from fair wages down to environmental sustainability. That said, we want to talk about how sustainability relates to coffee, helping you understand why exactly it is so important:
What is "Sustainability?"
While the word sustainability has gained quite a few meanings so far, sustainability in terms of coffee focuses on three things: profit, people, and the planet.
Sustainable coffee means producing coffee that meets the needs of today without compromising the future. In other words, it is acting responsibly to ensure that our future world still has what it needs to function correctly.
How Is Sustainability Related to Coffee?
Sustainability is nothing new, even in the world of coffee. Back in the 1960s, a discussion was had to limit the amount of excess coffee on the market to ensure stability in terms of economics.
Of course, with new concerns rising, sustainability has become a lot tougher to achieve. Regardless, sustainability in coffee means finding a way to produce and share coffee in such a way that does not hurt the earth while still promoting the economic well-being of its home country.
Read more: What You Should Know About Sustainable Coffee
Why Is Sustainable Coffee Needed?
There are so many reasons sustainable coffee is needed, especially when understanding where coffee beans come from. More often than not, coffee comes from poverty-ridden countries with little to no social infrastructure. Producers from such countries are vulnerable to changes in the market, and that's where sustainability is needed.
As mentioned earlier, sustainable coffee promotes its home country's well-being. By stabilizing coffee prices, not only do producers gain more money, but more cash is brought into the country's economy, allowing for the production of things like schools, housing, healthcare, and many other necessities.
Is Coffee Actually Sustainable?
People, profit, and the planet are linked with one another. When one facet is affected by coffee, the other two are as well, whether positively or negatively. So, when it comes to answering whether coffee is sustainable, the answer is simple: yes, it can be sustainable when the right steps are taken.
All that it takes to promote this sustainability is to ensure that priorities shouldn't be on profits alone. Instead, it should also focus on the people and the planet for coffee as well.
Read more: How to Make Your Coffee Drinking Habit More Eco-Friendly
Sustainable coffee doesn't only benefit your wallet but the entire world. By buying sustainable coffee, you're playing your role to help companies realize that becoming more sustainable isn't only an obligation to protect the planet but also makes plenty of business sense.
As such, when buying your coffee, always consider how it is farmed and where its origin is. At the same time, think about how you can sustainability prepare your drinks. In the long run, your choice matters and can impact the coffee industry for the better.
Kunjani is a women-owned coffee shop and roaster in Naples, focusing on sustainability efforts, consistency, and ethical practices for the ultimate coffee experience. If you are looking to order sustainable coffee online, check out what we have to offer!
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