Savor the distinct flavor profile of PNG coffee

Sub-region: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province

Roast Level
We roast this coffee to a light level to highlight its unique characteristics.

Tasting Notes
Tamarind, Crème Brûlée, Anise

Smooth, Well-Balanced, Sweet
Single Origin Coffee With Intense & Complex Flavors
Grown in the steep, rugged mountains of Papua New Guinea, this coffee is known for its intense and complex flavors. The Wahgi Valley provides ideal conditions for growing coffee, with high altitude and a cool climate contributing to the development of these unique flavors 🇵🇬

About the Producers
This coffee comes to us through our partners at Benchmark Coffee Traders.
They have direct family ties with these coffee producers from the Wahgi Valley in the Western Highlands Province and support the pickers who work tirelessly to help produce these unique coffees by providing free housing, healthcare, and schooling.
Positive Impact
Through the Farmer Impact Fund, the Bunum Wo Estate was able to build a roof for the local Deeper Roots Early Childhood Elementary School in the Pima region of Papua New Guinea. The school construction is in its final stage and will be opening in the coming months for students ages 3‑6 years old.
By purchasing this coffee you are supporting sustainable practices and making a positive impact on the local community.